What Is ChatGPT?

Launched on November 30th, 2022, ChatGPT stands tall as a remarkable AI chatbot application born from the ingenuity of OpenAI. Celebrating its first anniversary this week, this free-to-use AI marvel has seamlessly integrated into our digital lives, efficiently tackling text-based chores. OpenAI, a pioneering AI research firm, traces its origins back to 2015, co-founded by luminaries like CEO Sam Altman, President Greg Brockman, and Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever.

Powered by cutting-edge neural networks, ChatGPT converses with users in a manner indistinguishable from human interaction, displaying prowess not just in casual chat but also in crafting literature ranging from books to poetry. Leveraging third-party plugins, the GPT-4 LLM (Large Language Model) and GPT-4V VLM (Visual Language Model) extend its capabilities to tackle diverse tasks, seamlessly integrating with your preferred software. These are mere glimpses of its capabilities. But, what truly defines ChatGPT?

Introducing ChatGPT – OpenAI’s AI Chatbot

Since its debut on November 30th, 2022, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has reigned supreme as the world’s most beloved AI chatbot, captivating hearts and minds worldwide. Evolving into a versatile multimodal intelligence, it seamlessly integrates DALL-E 3, the powerhouse behind GPT-4V’s groundbreaking “Vision update” and Bing Image Creator. 

As of July 1st, 2023, its user base soared past 100 million globally, setting a historic precedent as the fastest app ever to achieve such a milestone. Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, proudly shared on Twitter that within a mere 5 days of its launch, ChatGPT had already amassed over 1 million users, marking a testament to its meteoric rise.

Unparalleled in its adoption, this chatbot stands as a pioneering force, captivating global audiences like never before. Its continuous innovation and expansion of capabilities have solidified its position as the foremost publicly accessible AI tool. Despite looming competition from tech giants such as Google Bard, Microsoft’s AI-driven Bing, and Anthropic’s Claude 2, its influence remains steadfast. But what exactly is ChatGPT, and how can one leverage its power? Whether you’re a newcomer seeking insight or an enthusiast hungry for knowledge, this guide serves as your gateway to unlocking the wonders of ChatGPT.

Is Sam Altman still the CEO of OpenAI?

Indeed, Sam Altman remains at the helm of OpenAI as its CEO. However, this continuity was not always assured, as a dramatic turn of events unfolded over four consecutive days. Altman faced an unexpected dismissal by the board of directors on the late Friday of November 17th, 2023.

Yet, remarkably swift resolutions followed suit, culminating in a tentative agreement for his reinstatement by November 22nd. Interestingly, Altman’s return may have ushered in a newfound authority, courtesy of a sweeping reorganization within the OpenAI board that once ousted him.

The reinstatement of his leadership has garnered unanimous acclaim from various quarters. Interim CEO Emmett Shear, the entire C-Suite team, over 95% of the workforce, lead investor Microsoft, helmed by CEO Satya Nadella, and the broader tech community have all warmly embraced his return.

What is ChatGPT and how does it work?

ChatGPT emerged as a groundbreaking text-generation AI system devised by the innovative minds at OpenAI, headquartered in San Francisco. This revolutionary conversational AI marvel adeptly navigates natural language, often blurring the lines between its responses and those of a genuine human conversationalist.

Named after its innovative Generative Pre-trained Transformer technology, OpenAI’s chatbot harnesses the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to engage users in seamless conversational exchanges. Unlike narrow AI counterparts designed for specific tasks, this versatile AI gem transcends limitations, emerging as the epitome of adaptability and applicability in its domain.

Utilizers of this AI marvel have the freedom to pose queries akin to those directed at search engines like Google. Alternatively, they can task the bot with crafting original AI-generated content or reimagining pre-existing text.

With a language-centric model at its core, the chatbot undergoes meticulous fine-tuning by developers, incorporating invaluable user feedback to enhance its human-like interaction capabilities. Leveraging a substantial language model (LLM), OpenAI empowers the chatbot to tackle an expanding spectrum of inquiries and adeptly respond to user-generated ‘prompts’ on demand.

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT operates as an information hub, furnishing responses to inquiries, termed text prompts, through the sophisticated realm of natural language processing (NLP). This specialized artificial intelligence domain revolves around deciphering and mirroring human language nuances. The free iteration of ChatGPT relies on the GPT-3.5 language model.

Conversely, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Enterprise subscribers gain access to GTP-4, supplemented by an array of over a dozen additional OpenAI models spanning text generation, computer vision, and generative audio functionalities. At the core lies GPT-4, serving as the quintessential “foundation model” upon which subsequent models, such as GPT-4V and GPT-4 Turbo, are built, branching out into innovative avenues of AI advancement.

ChatGPT’s widespread acclaim has thrust it into the global spotlight, eliciting a spectrum of reactions ranging from enthusiastic approval to occasional skepticism. Notably, Italy imposed a temporary ban on the service in March 2023 amid apprehensions regarding personal data protection, only to reinstate access thereafter. While certain countries have opted to restrict ChatGPT, its popularity continues to soar unabated, steadily establishing new benchmarks for user expansion.

During an exclusive interview with PC Guide focusing on AI and ChatGPT, we had the privilege of conversing with Dr. Matthew Shardlow, a senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University and a distinguished member of the Centre for Advanced Computational Sciences.

Reflecting on the advent of ChatGPT, he remarked, “The successive GPT releases have been intriguing, yet before ChatGPT’s emergence, few anticipated OpenAI introducing a solution that operated with such consistent reliability.” Nevertheless, ChatGPT defied expectations and appears poised for a lasting presence in the AI landscape.

Common misspellings of OpenAI’s chatbot

Given the myriad of slightly differing versions for each OpenAI model, it’s understandable how one might confuse them. Mistakes happen, but here are some of the most common misspellings of ChatGPT: Chat GPT, ChatGBT, ChatGOT, ChatGTP, CharGPT, ChatPGT, CatGPT, ChatGPY, CahtGPT, Chat GBT, Chat GOT, Chat GTP, Char GPT, Chat PGT, Cat GPT, Chat GPY, Caht GPT, ChartGPT, GPT Chat, ChapGPT, Chatbot GPT, ChaGPT, ChatGDP, ChatGP, ChaptGPT, Chapt GPT, ChastGPT, ChathPT, and ChtGPT.

How to register for ChatGPT

To explore the detailed registration and login process for ChatGPT, you can delve into our comprehensive article. Alternatively, here’s a concise overview:

  • Navigate to the login page using your preferred browser.
  • Initiate the account creation process by selecting “Sign Up” and inputting your email ID. For instance, if you possess a Gmail account, clicking on “Google” facilitates automatic registration.
  • Proceed by clicking “Continue,” after which the website will prompt you to verify your mobile number for authentication purposes.
  • Upon receiving a verification code on your mobile device, proceed to log in.
  • Complete the registration and login process via SMS activation.
  • With successful completion, you’re all set to utilize ChatGPT’s features free of charge.

What is ChatGPT used for?

ChatGPT itself would articulate its versatility for utilization in various contexts such as

  • Text generation
  • Question answering
  • Language Translation
  • Summarization
  • Information retrieval
  • Code writing and interpretation
  • Natural language understanding
  • Learning from feedback
  • Conversation and engagement
  • Assistance and support

In essence, ChatGPT excels in engaging in dialogue and addressing particular inquiries. Its repertoire of potential tasks is vast and varied. While operating within the confines of a chatbot, it lacks direct internet access; nevertheless, it showcases remarkable capabilities. Much akin to an AI-driven virtual aide, it seamlessly furnishes natural responses and adheres to conversational prompts with ease.

How to use ChatGPT in daily life?

ChatGPT proves invaluable in daily routines, offering guidance tailored to individual needs. Naturally, without insight into one’s specific activities, it’s challenging to pinpoint the exact advice required. Nevertheless, who couldn’t benefit from occasional guidance? OpenAI’s AI chatbot stands ready to deliver just that. In a rather meta twist, ChatGPT is even adept at dispensing advice on leveraging its functionalities.

Leveraging ChatGPT to compose emails, expedite language acquisition, and condense daily reading materials into succinct summaries are all constructive and beneficial practices for integrating it into your everyday routine.

The following segments, “What are ChatGPT’s strengths?” and “Where are ChatGPT’s limitations?” offer illustrations of practical activities ChatGPT can perform to enhance your daily experiences.

Essential AI Tools

“Essential AI Tools” encompasses a broad array of software and applications designed to leverage artificial intelligence technologies to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and drive innovation across various domains. These tools encompass a wide range of functionalities, from natural language processing and computer vision to predictive analytics and machine learning. Some key categories of essential AI tools include:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tools: These tools enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. Examples include sentiment analysis tools, language translation services, and text summarization algorithms.
  • Computer Vision Tools: Computer vision tools allow machines to interpret and analyze visual data, such as images and videos. They are used in applications like object detection, facial recognition, and autonomous vehicles.
  • Machine Learning Platforms: Machine learning platforms provide developers and data scientists with the tools and frameworks necessary to build and deploy machine learning models. Popular platforms include TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn.
  • Predictive Analytics Software: Predictive analytics tools utilize AI algorithms to analyze historical data and make predictions about future outcomes. These tools are used in various industries for forecasting demand, identifying trends, and optimizing business processes.
  • Virtual Assistants and Chatbots: Virtual assistants and chatbots leverage AI technologies like natural language understanding and speech recognition to interact with users and perform tasks autonomously. They are commonly used for customer service, virtual support, and personal assistance.
  • AI-powered Analytics Tools: AI-powered analytics tools enable organizations to derive insights from large and complex datasets. These tools utilize advanced algorithms to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies in data, empowering decision-makers to make informed choices.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Software: RPA software automates repetitive tasks by mimicking human actions. These tools utilize AI and machine learning algorithms to perform tasks such as data entry, document processing, and workflow automation.

Overall, essential AI tools play a critical role in driving digital transformation, improving efficiency, and unlocking new opportunities across industries. As AI technology continues to evolve, these tools will become increasingly integral to businesses and organizations seeking to stay competitive in the digital age.

What is ChatGPT good for?

ChatGPT excels in a multitude of natural language processing (NLP) endeavors, showcasing proficiency in tasks ranging from crafting literature like books, scripts, and essays, to engaging in seamless conversations and delivering humor. Moreover, the AI chatbot demonstrates prowess in summarizing information, organizing data through bullet points and tables, and offering contextual suggestions tailored to specific situations.

ChatGPT excels in emulating human dialogue, adeptly handling tasks such as language translation, and coding, and providing timeless guidance for job searches. With the advent of GPT-4 and access to the internet, OpenAI’s AI chatbot could potentially offer invaluable business insights grounded in real-time data and market dynamics, further expanding its repertoire of practical capabilities.

GPT-4 emerges as a pinnacle of creativity and collaboration, boasting enhanced capabilities to generate, refine, and collaborate with users on both creative and technical writing endeavors. From crafting melodies to penning screenplays and even adapting to users’ unique writing styles, GPT-4 stands as a testament to OpenAI’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI-driven innovation.

For further details, visit: OpenAI’s GPT-4

What can’t ChatGPT do?

While ChatGPT may struggle with performing complex mathematical calculations with a high level of certainty, it also lacks the expertise to substitute for professional consultation in fields such as medicine or law. While it may offer insights on these subjects, the accuracy and relevance of its advice to your specific circumstances cannot be guaranteed.

With the introduction of the Browse with Bing feature, ChatGPT’s access to the internet has improved, potentially enhancing its accuracy, yet its reliability remains contingent upon the quality of its source material. Similarly, relying solely on broad responses from ChatGPT for personalized relationship advice may not yield optimal results.

With the introduction of the GPT-4V (or GPT-4 with Vision) update, ChatGPT has gained the ability to generate images utilizing OpenAI’s proprietary AI art generator, known as DALL-E 3 (Stylized DALL·E 3). Unlike earlier iterations such as GPT-3.5, both GPT-4 and GPT-4V are equipped with internet access and plugin capabilities, further expanding their functionalities and versatility.

What are examples of ChatGPT prompts?

Given ChatGPT’s human-like responsiveness and natural language interface, inquiring directly about its capabilities is straightforward. For instance, you might ask, “Hello, could you provide examples of code for…?” Alternatively, you could request a specific task, such as “Compose a letter discussing the advantages of dinner while mentioning the works of author Douglas Adams.” Determining the extent of ChatGPT’s abilities can be as simple as posing questions directly to it. Nonetheless, we’ve curated an article highlighting the most effective ChatGPT prompts to offer additional insights.

Does OpenAI’s Chatbot have limitations?

Indeed, while ChatGPT showcases commendable language proficiency and responsiveness, it is not without its limitations. For instance, its reliability for factual information can be questionable, as it has been reported to fabricate sources and citations at times. Furthermore, although proficient in technical jargon, it should not be considered a substitute for expertise in fields like healthcare or law, where the advice of trained professionals is paramount.

As of Wednesday, September 27th, 2023, ChatGPT has transcended its previous knowledge cut-off constraint. OpenAI revealed plans to grant internet access to all users, including those on the free plan. Before this update, users were confined to information preceding September 2021.

The plugin feature set of OpenAI’s ChatGPT elevates the chatbot’s capabilities to unprecedented heights, surpassing those of any other AI chatbot. Consequently, should ChatGPT possess any limitations, it’s reasonable to assume that comparable alternatives would encounter similar constraints.

ChatGPT Plugins

Upon the unveiling of ChatGPT-4, OpenAI introduced a groundbreaking feature: the opportunity for third-party developers to construct plugins for their premier AI chatbot. These plugins offer direct API connectivity to the artificial intelligence framework, empowering developers to augment its functionalities beyond the scope of OpenAI’s internal development efforts.

Greg Brockman, Co-founder of OpenAI, showcased forthcoming plugins during Session 2 of TED 2023. This initiative enables third parties to seamlessly integrate with the OpenAI machine learning platform, fostering the creation of tailor-made tools tailored to specific needs, thereby enhancing their utility and applicability.

What is ChatGPT Plus?

Following its debut, OpenAI introduced a subscription service named ChatGPT Plus. This premium plan provides users with exclusive perks such as priority access and accelerated response times, all for a monthly subscription fee of $20.

What is the ChatGPT custom instructions feature?

Previously exclusive to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, the custom instructions feature now empowers users to dictate the nuances and parameters of their conversations. This enhancement introduces a new interface button labeled “Custom Instructions,” granting users the ability to define preferences for the AI chatbot to consistently follow in all subsequent interactions. Before this update, users had to repeatedly communicate their preferences with each new chat session and integrate them into the prompt itself.

As revealed in an update on the OpenAI blog dated August 9th, 2023, the release notes confirm that the custom instructions feature is now accessible to users on the free plan. However, it’s important to note that this inclusion currently excludes territories in the UK & EU, where the feature is slated for a subsequent rollout.

Utilizing this feature is remarkably simple, as detailed in the official blog post. It boils down to just two steps. To incorporate your instructions:

Step – 1Instructions
Click your name
If you’re accessing ChatGPT via the web browser (desktop or mobile), then click your name/email in the bottom left of your screen. If instead, you’re using the ChatGPT mobile app (iOS or Android), then tap the three horizontal lines near the top right, then head to “Settings”.
Step – 2Instructions
Select ‘Custom Instructions’
From here, you’ll see the “Custom Instructions” button. Hit that, and add your own custom instructions.

What is a GPT-3 chatbot?

GPT-4 chatbots are artificial intelligence applications designed to emulate natural human-like communication. These bots can deliver remarkable engagement and utility, courtesy of their development using engines such as OpenAI’s GPT-4. This sophisticated technology facilitates training in both written and spoken human language, enhancing their capabilities significantly.

GPT-4 chatbot applications harness deep learning and various advanced techniques, focusing on language comprehension and linguistic modeling. This approach enables communication that closely resembles human conversation, with implementations that surpass conventional chatbots in usefulness, particularly in areas like customer service.

Can I use ChatGPT on my phone?

Indeed, ChatGPT is accessible on your mobile device. You can conveniently utilize the ChatGPT app available for both iOS and Android platforms, offering perhaps the most convenient access. Alternatively, the mobile web version offers similar functionalities to those of a desktop browser, ensuring seamless usage across different devices.

ChatGPT iOS app

OpenAI has unveiled an official ChatGPT app tailored for iPhone users in specific regions. This mobile application is available for free download on the Apple App Store. To access it, all you require is an OpenAI account and sufficient storage space on your device for the application download.

ChatGPT Android app

Here’s where you can obtain the official ChatGPT Android app at no cost. Ensure that you only download the application released by OpenAI to avoid any discrepancies.

You can conveniently access ChatGPT through your smartphone’s web browser, similar to your desktop experience, and continue leveraging the GPT large language model and ChatGPT’s natural language processing capabilities. If you’re exploring additional large language models (LLM) or seeking alternatives to the ChatGPT web app, consider Google Bard or Bing Chat, accessible on any desktop or mobile browser.

Is ChatGPT available for free?

Certainly, you can register for an account and utilize the chatbot entirely free of charge. The ChatGPT mobile app is available for free on both iOS and Android platforms. Similarly, you can access the free version of ChatGPT via the website on desktop and mobile devices. However, there exists a premium version, ChatGPT Plus, offering subscribers priority access to ChatGPT and early access to new features for a subscription fee.

Is ChatGPT free for personal use?

Indeed, ChatGPT is freely available for personal use.

How to use ChatGPT for free without login?

Accessing ChatGPT necessitates logging in; however, creating an OpenAI account is complimentary, ensuring perpetual free usage of the AI chatbot.

How to download ChatGPT for free

You can obtain the ChatGPT app at no charge from either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, accessible on all mobile devices. For desktop devices (PC or Mac), there’s no requirement for downloads; simply navigate to the ChatGPT website via any web browser. It’s important to note that the AI model itself, be it GPT 3.5 or GPT-4, cannot be downloaded.

Are there plagiarism issues with using ChatGPT?

The topic of plagiarism in OpenAI’s ChatGPT sparks widespread debate. Given the nature of sourcing information from the web, caution regarding plagiarism is imperative. While ChatGPT adeptly avoids direct plagiarism by rephrasing information on a given topic, the sources might not have granted permission.

As large language models (LLMs) advance, detecting plagiarism could become increasingly challenging, as the same technology used to generate content also identifies it. This presents an unprecedented challenge, with existing laws worldwide unlikely to address this new AI-driven era comprehensively. For those apprehensive about plagiarism, various plagiarism detection tools are available for use.

Can Chatbots be tricked?

Chenta Lee, among a team of IBM researchers, demonstrated the ability to influence LLMs, including ChatGPT, through a technique akin to “hypnosis.” As reported on the IBM-owned blog Security Intelligence, Lee asserts that they were able to compel LLMs to divulge confidential financial data of users, generate vulnerable and malicious code, and provide inadequate security advice. According to Lee, English could be viewed as a “programming language” for NLP malware, eliminating the need for attackers to rely on traditional coding languages like Go, JavaScript, or Python to create malicious code.

Data poisoning represents a conventional method for achieving a comparable outcome. Given that LLMs hinge entirely on the quality of their training data, a malicious actor could theoretically introduce data directly into the model to yield unfavorable outcomes. However, attempting this without the expertise of an OpenAI engineer would pose an exceptionally daunting challenge, given the stringent safeguards and isolation surrounding the GPT-4 model itself. What the IBM researchers have revealed is that data poisoning may not even be requisite in this context.

Lee elucidates the methodology behind this endeavor, stating, “Our analysis focused on efforts to hypnotize GPT-3.5, GPT-4, BARD, mpt-7b, and mpt-30b. Among these, the most responsive LLM we hypnotized was GPT, which will be further explored in the blog. But how did we achieve this hypnosis? By engaging them in a game where participants must provide the opposite answer to emerge victorious.”

The blog post further delves into a secondary technique termed “inception,” aimed at permanently solidifying the AI in this hypnotic state. The overarching conclusion reached is that indeed, ChatGPT can be manipulated. Moreover, the systematic nature of the manipulation suggests that all LLMs are susceptible to this form of (dare I say) neurolinguistic programming.

Is ChatGPT safe from hackers?

No digital system can claim absolute immunity from hackers. The primary cybersecurity concern for ChatGPT and its users revolves around data poisoning. This involves injecting malevolent data into the AI model, leading to compromised responses from the chatbot. A hacker with access to the model could manipulate the AI to disseminate malicious links or solicit personal information, employing technological or psychological tactics.

In a scenario where the model is compromised, given the substantial user base, it could culminate in the largest phishing scam of 2023. Fortunately, accessing the model itself isn’t straightforward, and an attack of this magnitude would likely require insider involvement, such as a compromised employee within the LLM-operating company.

What is ChatGPT’s Bug Bounty Program?

Should you uncover a qualifying vulnerability in ChatGPT, you might qualify for a monetary reward.

Bug bounties are prevalent in the realm of SaaS (Software as a Service). Given the substantial user base, OpenAI stands to suffer significant consequences from any malicious bugs. Consequently, they compensate white-hat hackers with a “bounty” for identifying vulnerabilities and promptly reporting them to the AI firm, preempting any potential exploitation by malicious actors.

The maximum reward for severe vulnerabilities amounts to USD 20,000. Conversely, certain bugs may offer as little as $200, although the average payout exceeds $1,500 across over 50 reports. This bug bounty program adequately compensates cybersecurity researchers, enabling those with spare time to fund their efforts.

How do the US AI Executive Order and the UK AI Summit affect OpenAI’s ChatGPT?

In November 2023, significant legislative milestones concerning artificial intelligence occurred in both the US and the UK.

President Joe Biden’s AI Executive Order will impact ChatGPT through the implementation of regulations governing the utilization and integration of AI by federal workers into infrastructure. AI developers will need to disclose safety test outcomes and other pertinent “critical information” to the US government.

Additionally, the White House Chief of Staff, in collaboration with the National Security Council, will spearhead the development of industry-standard protocols aimed at bolstering security measures and safeguarding against fraudulent activities. Furthermore, the US government will exercise stringent oversight over the application of AI in biological engineering domains, including healthcare and genetics.

The UK AI Safety Summit is poised to influence ChatGPT similarly, as it fosters a technical analysis to enlighten British legislators. Given its rapid evolution, emerging technologies like AI pose challenges for global lawmakers, who may lack the requisite comprehension to craft equitable policies governing their development and utilization.

Consequently, prominent figures from the tech industry, including Elon Musk, founder of x.AI, will play a pivotal role in shaping the perspectives and educating policymakers toward innovation. Conversely, advocating caution and prioritizing safety are government officials such as Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, and Rishi Sunak, the UK Prime Minister.

Who attended the UK AI Safety Summit?

The “Godfathers of AI,” including Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, and Yann LeCun, either attended the event or closely monitored it through social media channels. These three AI visionaries played indispensable roles in the advancement of AI technology, without whom its current extent would not have been conceivable. Their active involvement underscores the remarkable pace at which this technology has ascended, as all of its pioneers are alive to participate in this pivotal juncture.

Hinton, who departed from Google earlier this year, expressing his need for open discussion of his concerns, maintains a distinct perspective. LeCunn, a former post-doctoral student of Hinton, may share a similar outlook, albeit influenced by his current role as Chief AI Scientist at Meta. Additionally, Demis Hassabis, the outspoken co-founder of Google DeepMind, was present at the event, alongside various other prominent AI executives from leading tech companies.

What is ChatGPT 4?

Some users informally refer to ChatGPT as “ChatGPT 4” when utilizing the GPT-4 model.

Let’s make it clear, there’s no actual product or service named “ChatGPT 4” from OpenAI. It’s merely a casual blend of “ChatGPT” and “GPT-4”. The former denotes a web-based service often recognized as an AI chatbot, essentially serving as a user interface for GPT-4. Meanwhile, the latter refers to the genuine AI model itself, functioning as the powerhouse behind the scenes. This model, classified as an LLM (Large Language Model), can be accessed by other web services and applications through OpenAI’s API. Consequently, you’ll encounter numerous AI-powered applications proudly sporting the label “Powered by GPT-4.”

Although ChatGPT 4 isn’t officially recognized, you can still access what’s colloquially referred to as ChatGPT 4 by following these straightforward steps:

  • Launch ChatGPT either through a web browser (desktop or mobile) or via the official mobile app (available for Android or iOS).
  • Locate and click on the “GPT-4” button positioned near the top center of your screen, typically situated to the right of the “GPT-3.5” button.
  • Accessing GPT-4 via ChatGPT (often referred to as ChatGPT 4 informally) necessitates a paid subscription known as ChatGPT Plus. Without this subscription, access to ChatGPT 4 is unavailable.

What is GPT-4?

GPT-4, which stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 4, represents the pinnacle of OpenAI’s LLM technology. Yet, it’s exclusively accessible to users with a ChatGPT Plus subscription, unlike GPT-3.5, which is freely available to all users.

OpenAI’s latest version, GPT-4V, stands as the most recent iteration, introducing a Visual Language Model (VLM) aspect absent in the GPT-4 LLM (Large Language Model). This AI model now seamlessly integrates all premium features following the late October 2023 update. As a result, capabilities such as Browse with Bing, Advanced Data Analysis, Plugins, and DALL·E 3 can be simultaneously applied to a single text prompt.

What is GPT-5?

ChatGPT-5, as implied by its name, would represent an enhanced iteration of ChatGPT, developed based on the speculated next-generation AI model (GPT-5) from OpenAI. Presently, GPT-5 remains a rumor, with no concrete existence. During a discussion at MIT OpenAI, Sam Altman, CEO and co-founder of OpenAI, hinted that 2024 might be the earliest possible release timeframe for GPT-5.

Will there be a GPT-4.5?

Following its launch, the GPT-5 model is poised to assume the role of the premier model for the most popular AI chatbot globally. In the interim period, we’ll probably witness the introduction of GPT-4.5, anticipated to debut in early 2024.

Does AI have political bias?

While ChatGPT aims to maintain neutrality, it can be subject to “psychological” manipulation through jailbreaks. However, commonly known methods like the DAN jailbreak are no longer effective, yet reports indicate the persistence of biases. According to a study conducted by UK researchers at the University of East Anglia, ChatGPT exhibits a notable and consistent left-wing bias.

The study involved instructing ChatGPT to impersonate various political figures spanning the spectrum, followed by posing questions and prompting responses ranging from agree to strongly disagree. Each question was posed over 100 times to mitigate potential random responses, amounting to more than 60 questions in total. Dr. Fabio Motoki, the lead author of the report, offered insights, stating:

“Addressing bias in a platform like this is paramount. Whether the bias leans left or right, it warrants equal concern. It’s crucial to remember that AI models are simply machines. They offer convincingly synthesized summaries of inquiries, even if they happen to be entirely inaccurate. Interestingly, when asked about neutrality, they often assert their impartiality.”

Dr. Motoki further remarked, “Much like traditional media, the internet, and social media, this influence could potentially wield significant harm.”

Bias can stem from training data, as it’s chosen by human software engineers, who carry their own biases. Enabling internet access for ChatGPT can aid in gathering diverse sources, potentially alleviating bias. Nevertheless, bias remains inherent across the internet.

What is ChatGPT trained on?

Built on Natural Language Processing (NLP), it serves as a valuable asset for researchers and developers engaged in diverse NLP endeavors, offering a plethora of tasks, domains, and applications to explore. ChatGPT’s training drew from an extensive dataset comprising texts sourced from books, articles, and websites. Similarly, DALL-E underwent training using labeled (and likely some unlabeled) image data.

OpenAI utilized Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to train the models behind ChatGPT (GPT3.5 and 4). This method involved human ‘trainers’ manually participating in the initial fine-tuning phase. These trainers engaged in dialogues where OpenAI played dual roles, acting as both the user and the AI, aided by model-generated responses. These dialogues were then integrated with existing data from OpenAI’s ‘InstructGPT’ dataset.

ChatGPT training – an expert view

According to Dr. Matthew Shardlow, a senior lecturer at MMU in the UK:

“As per our understanding (OpenAI has become less transparent lately), the model undergoes training primarily on extensive text documents with a focus on predicting the next word in a given context. For instance, when presented with a partial sentence, it learns to anticipate the subsequent word.” He further noted that “ChatGPT represents a static outcome derived from an extensive training regimen. It doesn’t engage in real-time learning. The OpenAI developers probably leverage millions of actual user interactions to refine and enhance ChatGPT. It’s a valuable resource that shouldn’t be overlooked.”

ChatGPT possesses the capability to replicate data outputs with reliability, which is essential for numerous sensitive applications and other valuable AI systems. Nevertheless, it remains susceptible to errors and biases, relying on its training data from 2021. Consequently, there are instances where it generates what OpenAI describes as “plausible-sounding nonsensical answers.”

As our interactions with AI-powered machines increase, ChatGPT stands out as a revolutionary advancement in the field of AI. With its robust model and advanced deep-learning capabilities coupled with NLP, it can produce human-like responses that are easily comprehensible to users. However, this doesn’t always guarantee accuracy.

What is ChatGPT coded in?

ChatGPT currently leverages OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 and GPT-4 language models. OpenAI has announced that it won’t be releasing the source code for the latest Large Language Models (LLMs). According to a post on the StackExchange site, GPT-3 shares the “same model and architecture as GPT-2”. It’s worth noting that ‘GPT-3’ encompasses GPT-3.5, the version currently powering the free iteration of ChatGPT, while GPT-4 is accessible to ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

The post elaborates that the “GPT-2 source code is entirely written in Python.” GPT-2 was known to generate code in Python, C++, and Java programming languages. Recent iterations of OpenAI models exhibit proficiency across an expanding range of programming languages.

What is the ChatGPT API?

OpenAI offers API access to their foundational models, extending beyond the widely known GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4) model.

Through an API (Application Programming Interface), developers gain the capability to seamlessly incorporate AI processing into their applications. With the ChatGPT API, developers can submit text inputs to the model and receive generated responses. Consequently, ChatGPT integration is now feasible across a diverse range of applications, including chatbots, virtual assistants, payment platforms, productivity tools, and beyond.

Major brands like Adobe, Snapchat, Quizlet, Instacart, and numerous others have harnessed the API to integrate ChatGPT into their applications.

ChatGPT API models deprecation – GPT-3.5 Turbo Instruct

Effective July 6th, 2023, all paying users can now utilize GPT-4 through API access, aside from accessing it through the official application and website.

API models until January 2024API models after January 2024

Retirement of outdated AI models in the OpenAI API.

What is the function calling?

Following the Function Calling and API update in June, users can now leverage OpenAI’s AI chatbot to generate code by describing a function for ChatGPT. OpenAI’s blog post outlining the update highlights ChatGPT’s capability to “Create chatbots that answer questions by calling external tools (e.g., ChatGPT Plugins).” For instance:

Queries like “Email Anya to see if she wants to get coffee next Friday” can be transformed into a function call such as:

send_email(to: string, body: string)

Similarly, inquiries like “What’s the weather like in Boston?” can be converted to:

get_current_weather(location: string, unit: ‘celsius’ | ‘fahrenheit’).

Furthermore, the model updates empower ChatGPT to:

  • Translate natural language into API calls or database queries
  • Extract structured data from text

ChatGPT History timeline

November 2022

ChatGPT made its public debut on November 30th. Swiftly, this generative AI platform garnered momentum and earned widespread acclaim as a groundbreaking application in public-facing AI.

March 2023

GPT-4 added

In March, OpenAI revealed plans for an upgrade to ChatGPT. This enhancement incorporates the GPT-4 large language model into the AI bot, enabling forthcoming interactions with ChatGPT using both text and images. Notably, GPT-4 is the same model utilized by the AI-powered Bing Chat.

Additionally, OpenAI unveiled the introduction of ChatGPT plugins, enabling the model to execute various practical services.

April, 2023

Alibaba, a prominent player in the tech industry, has entered the AI chatbot domain with its creation, Tongyi Qianwen. Similar to its counterpart from OpenAI, Tongyi possesses the ability to comprehend written inputs and generate responses, serving as an intelligent assistant. Alibaba is seamlessly integrating AI into its software applications through Tongyi, which can also generate images from textual prompts, effectively functioning as a text-to-image AI model, or ‘AI image generator.’

May 2023

ChatGPT app released

OpenAI rolled out its ChatGPT app for iOS in the United States, which is now accessible globally, with only a handful of specific regions excluded.

A diverse array of prominent figures, including journalists, educators, corporate executives, and AI experts, endorsed an open letter titled ‘Statement on AI Risk,’ facilitated by the Center for AI Safety.

Among the signatories from OpenAI were CEO Sam Altman, CTO Mira Murati, co-founders Ilya Sutskever and John Schulman, board member Adam D’Angelo, head of policy and research Miles Brundage, governance lead Jade Leung, and Elon Musk (despite stepping down from the board in 2018).

June 2023

OpenAI unveiled updates for its GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 Turbo models on June 13th, with a focus on enhancing ‘function calling and API’ capabilities. This addition enables users and developers to invoke ‘specific functions’ or useful application commands during conversations.

July 2023

OpenAI introduced ChatGPT custom features in beta for ChatGPT Plus subscribers on July 21st. These features empower users to access settings for providing supplementary information about themselves, which the AI language model can then recall throughout conversations.

November 2023 – ChatGPT’s birthday

On November 30th, 2023, ChatGPT celebrated its first anniversary. Former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, now at X (formerly Twitter), took to the platform to reflect on the remarkable transformation since November 30th, 2022.

“Exactly a year ago tonight, we were likely putting the final touches on ChatGPT in the office, gearing up for its launch the next morning. What an incredible year it’s been…” – Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI

What’s the big deal?OpenAI has been shocking the industry since November 2022 with the release of ChatGPT. It’s hard to think of another start-up coming (seemingly) out of nowhere and having such a dominant hold on an industry, let alone a seismic effect on the global economy.
The big deal is that we are fast approaching a pivotal point in human history. The advent of AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, is something that no one can ignore – not even those who don’t understand it. This is bigger than any one company, bigger even than the economy that incubates it. We’re talking about computers as intelligent as humans – autonomous, proactive, self-teaching, and informed with the collective knowledge of all humankind. Right now, GPT-4 Turbo, as unassuming and nerdy as the name may be, is the closest we’ve ever come as a species.
This is why I care, and why I think you should too!

Steve’s final thoughts

ChatGPT, OpenAI’s renowned Chatbot, has garnered fame since its inception, seemingly transforming the technological landscape. You can easily access it for free by visiting OpenAI’s website and testing it out directly in your browser. As its popularity and global usage continue to soar, there have been occasional challenges along the journey. Additionally, we’re witnessing the emergence of ChatGPT detectors. The precise implications of ChatGPT on everyday life are still in the process of unfolding.

Numerous outstanding alternatives to ChatGPT exist, including Google Bard, and intriguing advancements are underway with Microsoft, particularly Bing’s latest AI upgrade. Unlike specific apps, these tools can be accessed via both desktop and mobile websites. Simply create an account, and you’re ready to utilize it for personal enrichment, extensive research, or any other purpose you require.


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